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41: Same Girl at Both of my Weddings

So, yes, I’ve gotten married twice. Both times to submissives that I was dating at the time and had been for several years. (I’ve also gotten divorced twice.)

First act

See story #56, my wedding at the Renaissance Fair.

Second act

See story #33, my wedding with the very interesting music selections.

The punchline

The girl that was the serving wench at the first wedding, which you will recall was assumed to be just ‘theme material’, was in fact my second submissive at the time, and spent the wedding dripping my cum while I married my kitten.

In the second story, she’s my bride.

She made it very clear that this time around, she was the only one I got to fuck that day. Which I kinda enjoyed, as I do like it when my Pet gets territorial about me. It’s a bit flattering, in moderation.