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The D/s Household

Our rituals

I talk a lot about the importance of rituals and that while it does not matter too much what rituals you have, you do absolutely need to have them.

So I’m going to use my own household, or House in the OG way of speaking, to give you some examples. Keep in mind that the only requirement is having rituals, not that your rituals look anything like mine.

First impressions

So what’s different about a House that’s set up to run as a 24/7 D/s household? Well, rather a lot really…

There may be a hook near the door with a leash hanging on it, despite no one owning a dog.

Maybe there’s a cage sitting in one corner of the front room.

Waking up

I’ll wake up slowly. I like my lazy mornings.

As I open my eyes, I’ll look over and see if there’s already a coffee waiting for me. If there is I’ll smile, pick up it and the morning medications that my spine demands, and wash them down with the absolutely perfect cappuccino that (one of) my Pet(s) has left for me.

If the drink isn’t there, I’ll poke them and send them into action.


Monday is the day for reviewing the prior week’s tasks and the special tasks for this week. I’ll have them bring their planner to me as we go over the prior and current weeks. Once we’ve set down the chores and special tasks for the week, it’s time for me to head to my office. (I work from home.) And the girl(s) will head off to take up their chores for the day.

Payment for chores

This is when I’ll tally up their work for the prior week and give them the tokens they’ve earned. See rewarding your sub for more information.

More coffee

When the coffee is depleted, I’ll text them in the family group chat on Telegram that I need a refill. Whomever’s turn it is will scamper in to grab my mug and take it to refill. A couple minutes later she returns, and I pat her head and tell her what a good girl she is.

They both wear kilts in the ‘proper’ fashion, without underwear, so it’s always fun to slide a finger or two inside them as I’m patting their head. Growling a little, giving their neck a little nibble as I gently finger them, praising them and saying how good they are.

But I want to rile her up, not get her off. So I stop. I stop just before she can climax and lick my fingers clean, holding eye contact with her as I do so.

She blushes. Fuck, she’s so cute. I could fuck her on the floor right now if I wanted to. Maybe tomorrow I will.

Taking a break

At some point, I’ll wander out to stretch my legs and see how they are doing. I find them on the couch licking each other as likely as I’ll find them sweeping. They love each other and are allowed to play with each other whenever they like, as long as the work still gets done by the end of the day. So there’s a lot of impromptu sex. Especially when I edged one of them earlier.

I chuckle and leave them to their fun and let them know I need another coffee. There’s a giggle and they both smile and say “Yes, Sir” as they lick their fingers clean, and then whoever’s turn it is to make the coffee, scampers cutely off to the kitchen to make the next one. I enjoy the view as they scamper off.

The importance of coffee

It should be noted that the making of my coffee is a very big deal to them. A privilege they share only rarely with other submissives. Maybe if they like a sub, they might offer them a turn. It’s rare, but it happens. They are nice to other subs who are nice to them. They are not required to share this privilege with visitors.

Making my coffee, and caring for the machine that produces them, with its myriad of demands for supplies and cleaning, is the first ritual all new subs in my House are taught.


I come out for lunch, to find one of them curled up in the cage that’s in my front room.

Cage and Desk Naps

There’s a small cage in my front room, but big enough for naps. It’s interesting how they see that cage as a place of safety. The House rules say no one can disturb them while they are in the cage. It’s a guaranteed safe place. They love their little cube of solitude.

Alternatively one of them might come to nap on the little mattress under my desk. Just out of view of the camera for Zoom meetings, they can nap there and be close to me while they sleep.

After raising them from their nap, I’ll make sure to fill their bowls for them, and they’ll hand me whatever they’ve made for me. They plan the meals out each week and go shopping together on Mondays.


Each sub has their own custom-printed bowl with their name on it. (Any sub that visits my Home regularly is eventually invited to design and customize their own bowl, which I then get professionally printed for them.) It’s their responsibility to wash and clear their bowl, but they are not allowed to place food in their own bowls. See more under “Rewards: Bowl Club

They will always wait politely for me to take a bite of my own lunch before they start digging into theirs.


Eventually, my day at work will finish and I’ll come out for good and we’ll have dinner together.

Maybe play a board game together or some Minecraft. (We love playing cooperative games together.) The evening is ours to enjoy how we like. Snuggles, games, anime, floggings, rough sex on the couch, whatever we want. Just enjoying each other’s company.

Gods I love them both so much. This moment together with my family, the pair of them… This is the moment I live for.

Seating arrangements

If we’re hanging out in the front room together, I’ll be on the couch, and they will be sitting on nice cushions on the floor. Submissives are not generally allowed on the furniture at my House. At first, this seems odd to them, but they quickly find they actually prefer it and feel very strange if they end up on the couch. But the cushions and floor chairs I keep in the front room are really comfortable.

Sleeping arrangements

Finally, it is time for sleep.

If I’m only dating one submissive, then she will come to sleep beside me. If I’m dating two, then they sleep together in my guest room. I don’t want to imply a favorite between the two.

Don’t play favorites

I go out of my way to always treat them as equals. I feel that it is important to avoid jealousy and encourage them to treat each other as sublings. Equal in my heart and my Home. I’ll even refer to them as A & B instead of 1 & 2 to avoid the implication of hierarchy.

Plus they look so cute curled up together.


Saturday is a very lazy day for us. We all sleep in as much as we like. which is to say they sleep in like lazy little sluts until I wake them up.

I ask them what their plans are for the day, and apparently, they have been planning a special meal for me. I smile and pat their rumps, kissing both of them and then heading to play a video game while I wait to see what delicious surprise they have in mind for me.

Sunday (a.k.a SubDay)

On Sundays, I turn the tables a little bit and call it ‘Sub Day’. The day when I spoil them more than usual. Maybe I’ll take them out for a nice dinner. Or we will go to an escape room together.

Sunday is also the day I have them work on their weekly journal project. It’s a cool book that I use with all my subs. 52 weeks of journal prompts where they explore what it means to be a good submissive. To think about what they want, and who they are. Introspection is very valuable to them.

Next: Read about potential red flags you might run into

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