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The Afterword

So, for those of you who do take the time to read what I write, or who are making an effort to learn how we did things and maybe incorporate some of that into your lives: Thank you. It means that on some level what we did, mattered. Enough to be worth remembering, at least a little bit. And if you don’t, cuz you’re too distracted by life and just making it through your day, or it just isn’t your thing, that’s okay. If it’s not for you, then it’s not and it wasn’t for everyone in my age either. But thanks for listening, either way.

If I’ve helped you at all in your desire to “Keep the party going”, as it were, then I have done what I set out to do. If you spit in the eye of mainstream Puritan society, that doesn’t understand you, or embrace you; know that we, your ancestors-in-kinkery, see you. We may never meet you, but we recognize you, and love you. None of us knows what tomorrow will bring, so, party like it’s 1990…

If you have questions, or this manual of mine left you wanting to know more, go back to the beginning of it and find us, if we’re still around. Some days I feel like I’ll be here another 50 years, watching the world develop and watching the traces of how we touched it. On other days, I expect to shuffle off tomorrow. So if you do have questions, don’t hesitate to ask them. Or, if we are already gone and the links are all dead, carry us in your heart and pay it forward to those down the road.

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