75: Walking a Kitten at Folsom¶
Folsom Street Fair is the high holy of holidays for kinky folks. It’s a massive street vendor fair and “Look at me, I’m so sexy… Want to suck my cock?” display held every year in San Francisco since 1984. If you’ve never heard of it, do a google search for “Folsom Street Fair” then click the image results to see more tits and dick in one place than you’ve ever seen in your life. Exposed tits and cocks as far as the eye can see. Around 250,000 people show up every year, and it’s insane.
From people who didn’t grow up here, I always hear how amazed they are that such a thing exists. But for me, it just feels like ‘home’. Every kinky person should go at least once.

One year I took my new Rainbow Kitten along. I always try to arrive before opening, so as to dodge the crowds. (A quarter million people on the street of 8 city blocks is… crowded. So get there early folks!) She was topless, wearing just her kilt, and had on New Rock boots I’d gotten her (yes, I do this a lot) and was looking like a badass in them. (Strutting like one too.)
She looked fucking amazing topless, showing off her epic tits for all to see. (We made sure to lather her down in sunscreen, so she wouldn’t char.) She was also on a leash and clearly under my protection, so she felt quite safe on display.
As per usual, I met up with the other petplayer friends of mine just before opening, and we were milling about for a bit. Eventually, everyone started heading off, and I told the kitten to come along. So we’re walking from one end of the event to the other, beside someone in a pony cart, and some other folks in masks. She’s just being a good little submissive and walking beside me, not really thinking about where we are going or why.
A ton of folks want to get our picture of course. When they ask nicely, she’ll pose for them and smile. For those who don’t ask: she glares or flips them off or otherwise ruins their pic. I fully encourage her in this, and support her behavior towards those who can’t be bothered to ask her consent for pics. (Remember folks, consent is sexy, and it’s always better to ask. Even in public.)
We do one quick lap of the fair, not stopping at any of the booths. From where we started by the pissing pool, to the far end, and back again. Then we all dispersed and went our various ways.
After this, I started taking her more leisurely through the booths and letting her check out all of the shops and what was for sale. This is also when I let her know what had just happened: The group we were with, “The Cavalcade” is the traditional opening ceremonies, and often carries the current Leather title holders in the pony cart. So she’d just been walked, in the formal opening ceremony, of the largest kink event in the world. I just hadn’t mentioned it.
After freaking out a bit, she admitted it was the right call not to mention what it was until afterward. Once the wave of panic passed, she was in shock with herself for having done something so awesome. An Owned Pet, on display, at the most holy of kink holidays, in the opening ceremony. The dream of most submissives.
For years afterward she would be proud of herself for this day. People who see the pics of her from that year usually comment about how amazingly proud and confident she looked in them. Such a change from the scared little kitten from the midwest that I’d adopted years earlier.